7592 N. La Cholla Blvd. • Tucson, AZ 85741

4 FAQs About Personal Injury Law In Arizona

November 26, 2022

Arizona personal injury law was established to help you receive maximum damages and fair compensation if you are injured, harmed, and unjustly affected by another party’s negligence.  As your Arizona personal injury lawyer here at Jeff GOULD Law, we are well-versed in these matters based on over 25  years of successful personal injury representation on claims and litigation – to protect the injured individual like you… 

When you choose Jeff GOULD Law, the Attorney in YOUR Corner, you can rest assured we will use all of our experience and knowledge to maximize your compensation, so you aren’t fighting big insurance companies alone. Here are 4 common FAQs about personal injury law in Arizona. 

What lawsuits can my personal injury lawyer help me with?

Personal injury law covers a variety of cases. It is designed to hold negligent parties, whether an individual or a company, accountable for their act or failure to act that results in injury or damage to a person or property. This can include injuries and damages from motor vehicle accidents, bicycle or pedestrian accidents, dog bites, and wrongful death. It is vital to hire an attorney right away in these circumstances, as delays can cause unwanted hassles or even be detrimental to your case.  

Here at Jeff GOULD Law, we bring aggressive professionalism to your personal injury case and offer you initial consultations at no cost.  NO Recovery / NO Fee!

How long do I have to file a personal injury lawsuit?

In Arizona, most cases regarding personal injury need to be filed within two years of the incident. This is known as the statute of limitations and is another reason you want to hire an attorney as quickly as possible. If the Arizona statute of limitations deadline passes for your case, it may not be possible to seek any compensation you rightly deserve. We can help make sure your case doesn’t fall into this “past due” category and ensure that you maximize the recovery that you’re entitled to!   

What kind of compensation will I receive?

In personal injury law, compensation is awarded to the plaintiff to help cover injury or damage you or your property have sustained. This is done by proving the responsible party’s negligence, and the compensation will help cover the cost of medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, disability, and more.

Most injury claims are settled long with the at-fault individual insurance company long before any litigation is necessary and are settled out of court.  However, some cases do require a lawsuit to obtain the viewpoint and damages assessment via a judgment from a judge or jury.   The decision to accept a settlement is yours to make, but a knowledgeable personal injury lawyer can help you decide if the offer is fair. 

Although punitive damages may also be recoverable in some cases, this is a bit more complex in Arizona and it is always to your advantage to have Jeff GOULD Law, the Attorney in YOUR Corner working for your benefit.  

Why should I hire a personal injury lawyer?

Personal injury law can be complex and nuanced, and ensuring the right things happen at the right time is critical to the success of your case. The professionals at Jeff GOULD Law will fight for you in several important ways, in addition to providing guidance on punitive damages and the statute of limitations. This can be difficult or even impossible while dealing with the fallout due to the circumstances surrounding your case. Let us fight for you so you can focus on your healing and well-being.

In addition to offering a free initial consultation, we will only receive our payment when you’re awarded your recovery.  As we proudly state on our website: NO Recovery / NO Fee!

Our office is located in Northwest Tucson in the La Cholla Corporate Center, and we are waiting to discuss your case with you and become your Arizona personal injury lawyer.  Contact us today!

DISCLAIMER: The information on this blog/site is NOT, nor is it intended to be, legal advice.  It is for general informational use only. You should consult an attorney for advice regarding your individual situation. Further, this information does not create an attorney-client relationship.

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7592 N. La Cholla Blvd. Tucson, AZ 85741
520-808-4435 [email protected]